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Radiate for the week ahead

Last night we were live with our regular evening practice. It was themed radiate. Do it (and all our past practices – over 150 hours) now on patreon for just €5 per month.

Not ready to commit – and we don’t just mean the financial commitment of €5 which you must agree is great value. Joining a regular practice does take mental commitment. You should resolve to set aside sometime to do one or two practices a week – at least. Just signing up with us doesn’t mean you are doing yoga – you actually have to get on the mat as well – otherwise you are wasting your money and not really giving yoga a good tryout. So we make it easy – you can join us when we go live or do the practice when you wish via patreon.

With that in mind here is a practice you can try absolutely free. In return we ask for your email address so we can send you some more information about LoveDoingYoga – including when we plan to do a free practice. You will see the subscribe button on the right hand side. If you don’t want to give us your email address – now worries – enjoy the practice.

This practice was originally streamed live on March 10th and is typical of our practice and quality. When you press play you will have approximately 2 minutes to settle into place before the practice starts. Do try it and let us know how you get on.

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